The photographer in me thinks of new portraits. The Christian in me thinks, “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” IICor 5:17. The friend is me thinks or new friendships. The political activist in me thinks of CHANGE.
Whatever inspires you toward a New Beginning, make the decision today to take the first steps. Visualize what that would look like and step into it. I have decided on a theme for 2009 and it is Unlock the Treasure. And each month I will work on personal or professional projects that tie into the theme. As such January is, you guessed it, New Beginnings.
A hotly debated topic by photographers is how much can a portrait really tell us about a person? I don’t have the answer, but I feel that my work embodies relationship – from a mom communicating with her unborn child in maternity portraits to the warm embrace of a family or the confidence exuded by a professional consultant.
This month as part of unlocking the treasure within by creating a New Beginning, I am offering you the opportunity to present a fresh look to your clients by updating your business portrait. A fresh business portrait is a valuable tool to help your clients connect with you. Many business professionals are using social media sites like Facebook & Twitter to stay in-touch with existing clients and to reach new clients. If your business portrait is on your card, web site, brochure, etc., chances are that's the first impression people will have of you. Does your current headshot support the image you want to portray? Even if you hate sitting for a portrait, I can help.
Let me help you make a good first impression.